Each of Arkansas’ 17 electric cooperatives select representatives for the Youth Tour. Those winners will join approximately 1,500 youth from 38 states in Washington for the National Rural Electric Youth Tour.
The trip is all expense paid and will involve approximately 40 other youths from across Arkansas. From June 14 through June 20, the tour will first visit the city of Philadelphia! After a day of sight-seeing, the group will take a private bus to Washington D.C. and visit the White House, the U.S. Capitol, Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson monuments; the Vietnam Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, and other sights in Washington, D.C.
In addition, each year, delegates choose one representative amongst their peers to be Arkansas' Youth Leadership Council Delegate. The YLC Delegate will attend state and national leadership conferences and win a $5,000 scholarship!
Watch the Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas Youth Tour Summer 2024 Video.
Southwest Arkansas Electric Cooperative will select outstanding high school juniors to attend Youth Tour, an all-expenses-paid educational trip to Washington, D.C., from June 14-20. Students selected to participate will have an opportunity to earn a $5,000 scholarship.
During the tour, the chaperoned group will visit historic sites such as Mount Vernon, the Smithsonian Institution, Arlington National Cemetery, the Lincoln Memorial, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the U.S. Capitol. Youth Tour delegates will also visit with members of the Arkansas Congressional delegation.
SWAECC will select students based on their submitted application and an interview with the top applicants.
Other criteria to be considered includes:
- Be a current high school junior;
- Have a parent, grandparent or guardian who is a member of Southwest Arkansas Electric Cooperative (include the member’s name and account number with your submission);
- Be acknowledged as a good student and submit an up-to-date transcript of courses taken in high school;
- Submit letters of recommendation from the high school principal and counselor (or favorite teacher) explaining why the student will make an exemplary Youth Tour participant.
Application, letters of recommendation and transcript should be mailed or delivered to the attention of:
Rhonda Morrow, Executive Administrator
Southwest Arkansas Electric Cooperative
2904 East 9th Street
Texarkana, AR. 71854
Application, transcript and letters of recommendation must be postmarked no later than March 21. The winning contestants will be notified of their selection shortly thereafter. For more information regarding submission or other details, please contact Rhonda Morrow, Executive Administrator, at 870-772-2743 ext. 1201 or 1-800-782-2743.
2024 Electric Cooperative Youth Tour Winners
Emma Collier of Taylor High School and daughter of Amanda and Stephen Collier; and Ayla Buford of Taylor Central High School and daughter of Karen and Brandon Buford, were selected as winners of a Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. in June.
Emma Collier

2024 Winner
Emma Collier of Taylor High School. Daughter of Amanda and Stephen Collier.
Ayla Buford

2024 Winner
Ayla Buford of Taylor Central High School. Daughter of Karen and Brandon Buford.